Episode 6: Austin Osman Spare Part II

In the previous episode, we talked about the beginning of Austin Osman Spare’s life as an artist prodigy. At 17, he was one of the youngest people to ever exhibit at the Royal Academy of Arts.

His sudden thrust into the spotlight unfortunately polluted his desire for a a conventional art career. Spare was accepted into the Royal College of Arts, but ended up dropping out before graduating. Soon after, he self-published two short books, Earth: Inferno and The Book of Satyrs, both containing numerous highly detailed drawings in Spare’s signature style.

In 1907, Spare had a successful one man show where he was approached by Aleister Crowley. Crowley recruited Spare into his order Argentum Astrum, but the relationship fell apart ending with Spare making poo cakes disguised as exotic deserts for Crowley to eat.

  • Austin Osman Spare: The Life and Legend of London’s Lost Artist by Phil Baker, 2023